Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Planet of the Apes
.. A Musical Trip (1974)


A very long time ago as a child,
I was into all the P.O.T.A. stuff. {the Movies, the TV Show, the MEGO dolls, etc...}
My Mom took me, my sis, & a few close friends to a local theatre
to see a performance of people dressed up as the apes.
I can remember the lead ape & other performers (in brown tights!) singing and dancing,
and running around the theatre stirring up the audience,
along with background projections of scenes apropos to the songs...   :  /

At the end of the performance, we went outside to the front of the theatre,
and they were selling dozens of these promotional LP's.
Needless to say, Mom bought me one,
and I proceeded to play it all throughout
I don't remember the fate of that original purchase LP,
but by the 1st Grade, the album was gone...

several years after,
i would mention this strange LP to people, and what it was about...
...and they would give me the deer in the headlights look,
thinking that it must've been very weird...

It would be a total of 30 years & Ebay later,
that 2 or 3 copies of this ultra rare LP would surface again,
I wound up paying close to $100 for this copy,
...which I present to you, here ... YT Streaming

more detailed info on this LP {...need to scroll down a little..}

June 2019 UPDATE:

If you have been following the dialogue
in the comment section of this post over the last few years,
you'll know that i have been Honored by ALL of the Musicians on this 1974 LP,
who were kind enough to Contribute some Rare Information about the events & circumstances that 'led to/became of' this obscure POTA LP at that time...
(including the Gig at the legendary Max's Kansas City in NYC)

These Rare Pictures below, are some local newspaper clippings/personal photos of the aforementioned events of Late 1974 into Early 1975

..and i would again  like to Thank Guitarist Roger Briggs
for contributing these photos (and more) ...


  1. Do you happen to remember which theater you saw this in (possibly in Northern NJ)? I had the same experience and was mesmerized by the show, though my uncle who took me didn't agree - lost the record sleeve decades ago but still have the record itself though it is too scratched up to play.

  2. Hello
    Wow.. LOL we're really going back a few years on this one let me see
    I believe the theater was in Queens NY...
    If my memory serves me right, it was a Theater called the Parsons Twin... ( i'm guessing that it's not there anymore). Again, I was a child ..and it's a very vague memory at this point, but I believe that's somewhat accurate..
    I also remember that the show was silly and ridiculous... Even then ..Amazing what we can Romanticize decades

  3. Thanks - I was wondering how widespread the live show was. My recollection is I saw this in West Orange or Newark Jersey, so it was possibly limited to the tri-state area. Your the first person I have read about that can also claim to have seen this. There must have been something special about it since it seems to have embedded itself in our memories even after all these years.

  4. I meant to post this - more on this record -

    1. yes thank you....i'm very aware of this person's site, and his detailed info of this album...
      in fact, who do you think contributed (along with others) tipping this person off {15 years ago or so} about this very rare record for his POTA site.. ; ) ??
      thx again!

    2. LOL holy shoot Jeff, i just noticed that "you're" the Bassist on this Album!... trippy
      ..honored to have your comment.. thx

  5. Unless there were other troupes of "actors" using our taped songs, all the shows were at the Canarsie Theater in Queens, as I recall, and all over Thanksgiving weekend in 1974. The show was silly and ridiculous, and a bit of a scam, I thought at the time. Glad it brings a few good memories back, however. cheers - Roger Briggs (lead guitar in this Apes project)

    1. Hello Roger !...honored to have your comment as well !..

      yup the fall of '74 ..beginning of 'kindergarten' for me....that sounds right...

      but Only the Canarsie Theater???
      are you sure it didn't hit the Parsons Twin on Parson's blvd???...
      i could've 'sworn' i saw it at that theater in East Flushing... (i guess i have to consult Mom !...who am i kidding, she won't remember )
      then again, i was 5 ! ...ha ha.. i was going to the movies alot then, so i could have it conflated...

      As far as the 'Scam' element,..
      POTA merchandising was the one of the 1st official Mass Marketing Floods of Success in that Era..
      and i can surmise that an Eager Businessman such as "Mr. T.P." wouldn't be above 'Capitalizing' on it as well.. that's just my opinion, that is....

      "Well, you heard it here 'For the Record' {grey17 &} folks!"

      thank you both for contributing that information !.

    2. Wow, two of the members posting! My recollection (of a 5 or 6 year old) was Newark but the show could easily have been in Queens. Traffic may not have been as bad from Northern New Jersey in those days. Thank you for this unique album and the memories. I think the silly and ridiculous is what made this so memorable.

  6. Hi, all,
    I just checked my scrapbook and it was definitely the Canarsie Theater. I'm happy to scan a few pertinent pages, including the newspaper ad, if anyone can tell me where or how to upload them...
    BTW - Brian and Mike - why don't you put your 2 cents worth in here, too? ;-)

    1. Hi, all,
      I've posted my scrapbook pictures to the following link. The previews are fuzzy, but if you double-click on each image it will come up as higher quality. Thanks for your interest in such things. BTW, apparently we did play two different theaters, at least according to the newspaper clipping contained in one of the photos:

      kind regards, Roger

  7. .....Hello, humans out there! I was the guy actually signed to the producer... He'd just had a massive hit with "Dancin' in the Moonlight" and we figured we'd do this and then get to our album - hahahahahaha.... the songwriter had hits for Rod Stewart, Lezlie Gore... what could go wrong? The whole experience left us slightly disillusioned, and was relegated to the scrap heap of time.... but, Life has its own way with all of us, and I think I speak for the band when I thank Hallowicious for his memories.... we felt used and abused, but reading your posts has put a different spin on it, colored in the blank spaces, and put a smile on our faces... thank you, my friend..... (more stories to follow"

  8. .....and....!!!!!!???????.... somehow, I have a copy, unopened, still in shrink wrap.... just found it.... and because of all of you, and your memories.... I'm smiling.... thank you.... Brian

  9. (I am going to assume that 'both' of these posts, are from "Brian MacDonald" ..if the first one isn't, please correct me..)

    Thank You Brian ! Honored to have your Comment(s) here as well !

    This First-Hand Insight from All of you Gentlemen, means alot to me & fans of this Rare POTA Record..
    for years, i thought i was going to be the only one (of my Generation-years later) to remember these Events in the depths of POTA History.. but ironically, there is something called "the Internet" these days...who knew...

    When i saw that picture of you in the Ape costume from '74 that Roger sent me,
    it immediately 'brought it all back'...
    that image (of 'you' in the ape costume) was what/who i was referring to in the Above Initial Review to this post ! so many years ago..

    Yeah, i know...It's Very Easy to Get Disillusioned when we encounter "A Disingenuous Promising" <did my best to be PC on that,.lol ..But as you said, that Recording of you guys has Prevailed Way Passed those Icky Politics..

    Dare i say.. that it would 'be a gas', to find out who owns the 'Original Master Tapes' of that 'Musical Trip 'recording,
    to have the Promise of a "CD/LP Remastered/Reissue" of it ???...maybe?? < just throwing that out

    But Thanks Again Brian (& all of you Gentlemen)
    for your post(s)...and the Memories !

  10. ....yup, it's me..... I'll stay in touch, make you smile with memories as they come back to me.... but, most importantly, thank you for this.... we were young, trying to get in the biz, doing our best under insane circumstances, and ended up getting involved in something we were embarrased about.... these memories made us all feel better - thanks.... talk soon....

  11. Greetings name is Mike Hayden...I am the drummer on the Planet of the Apes album..I am so grateful to all of you for the memories and for the wonderful stories. When we recorded the album, it was not how we envisioned our career path...but honestly, we did the job with as much artistry as we could muster, and long after the fact, I am still proud of the way it turned out.Thanks again for remembering and enjoying. Please check out my Facebook page @mikehaydenmusic all the best, Mike Hayden

    1. (And Now it's Complete! lol)

      Thank you Mike, Honored to finally have your Comment here as well.. As i said to Brian, The Legacy of this LP has Surpassed any; "Shortcoming of Expectations" {if you will,} that you might have Had back in the Mid 70's.. As Silly as this sounds, This Album and it's reputation, will Outlast Us All... Thanks Again to All of You Guys for Participating in it !

  12. .....yeah, this page made me go search out everything. I found an unopened, still in shrink wrap LP of "Apes" from '74, and a CD of the album I had transferred from another copy of the LP in the late 90's with artwork, signed by "Gaylen" (me) so you can listen w/out opening .....threw it up on Ebay.... better it goes to someone who'll dig it than to sit in my closet.... APES LIVE!
